Etching workshop

Introductive course to etching tecnique Saturday 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th September from 2 pm to 6 pm During the course you will learn the fundamentals to produce an etching printing (preparing the clichés to engrave them, sinopite, engraving, "morsura tecnique", applying ink, preparing the sheet of paper, calcographic printing) Price of the course: euro 125 Price of materials: euro 50 (dry tip, burnisher, copper chliché) Reservation is mandatory until 5th September 0039 0365641050 -


Special museum tours with creative workshops inspired by great artists Workshop inspired by the artist Kara Walker. We will build paper silhouettes that will then come to life through shadow play Activity for families with children 6-12 years old cost: euro 5 For info and reservations: 0365641050 -

Workshop of handmade paper

Every saturday on 3 pm the Paper Museum organizes a guided tour and workshop of handmade paper Price: euro 10 (adults) - euro 8 (under 18) For info and reservations: 0039 0365641050 -

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